The minimal contact OptiLife mask comes with advanced flexible mask tubing - at the critical point where the tubing meets the mask - to create an optimal seal in any sleep position. The mask also features two cushion options - the traditional pillow cushion, which inserts into the nostrils, and the CradleCushion, which sits under the nose. Features: Unique headgear design and chin support band that allow it to be easily put on and adjusted with little effort and no buckles Design better accomodates side sleepers and keeps the forehead and vision area open Four cushion sizes (petite, small, medium, large) ensure an excellent seal Simple attachment hub provides a secure cushion attachment that rotates for comfort and optimal fit Exhilation port configuration gives diffused airflow, allowing for quiet operation Easy to clean and maintain, and durable enough to stand up to dailiy use Conforms to a wide range of sizes
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